Setting Goals
When one of our coaches meets with an athlete at the beginning of our athlete/coach relationship, we have many questions about athletic background, general health, available training time and recent training in some form of a log. The most important question we ask is "a year from now, how will we know that we were successful?".
Of course, there are as many answers as there are athletes, but establishing the definition of success is important early on. For some athletes, the goals are easily quantifiable. They want to qualify for Boston or break 3 hrs. in the NYC marathon. For others though, the outcome is dependent upon their competitors too, and it's equally important to discuss this fact. Both the rider that wants to upgrade to Cat 2 as well as, the triathlete that wants to win Mighty Hamptons are as dependent upon their competitor’s performance as the triathlete that want to Kona qualify.
We look at where we are in context of what it will likely take to achieve their goals and we try to encourage them to aspire to these parameters and to accept whatever outcome they get. For instance, if a neo pro triathlete wants to place in the top half of the field in 70.3 Blackwater Eagleman will have to go about 25’ in the Choptank, ride 56 miles right around 2:10 and run sub 1:20 if he can also transition fast. We set about building fitness to achieve these parameters, we perfect nutrition and hydration, then execute. We make the goal a pace for the swim and run and for the bike, we make our goal power based. If we pull off the above, he should be in the mix.
We hope to inspire athletes at this time of the season to set goals, to set hard to achieve goals, but to set goals that are in their control. Contact us to speak with a coach and set your goals for the upcoming season.